Tuesday, June 29, 2010


but let's get to know each other better when we meet later okay.
please be nice to me.

pusing masa

below is the comment i sent to dila's blog post regarding our roomates back in Nilai.

"wehh.. sumpah teringat balik time nak buat surprise bday azie. lepas solat tgh baca doa den tutup lampu buat2 black out den sume org nyanyi. haha.. it was awesome, i miss them and i definitely HATE all the conflicts among ourselves in the room. she hates her like me hating her pusing2 camtu jugak. i know things will never happen again like how it used to be. but i will forver cherished all the happy moments in sem 1, nilai 2008/2009. "

ni nak tambah lagi.

wherever u go, conflicts does exist. whether u like it or not u still have to face it.

well well well, imagine la kalau dalam satu bilik atau dorm back in CFSIIUM, Nilai kitorg tinggal 12 orang dalam satu bilik. 1st week or shall i say 1st sem tu true colours tak nampak lagi. one of the reasons why is because ade seniors dalam bilik and the rest semua junior. thus, semua orang behave sikit; ye lah sebab still freshie and ade sorang senior dalam bilik tu orang kuat Mahallah.
as for me, macam biasa je. senior tak senior rasa sama je. kalau orang lain sibuk dok panggil "akak,akak", well me (of course with permission) panggil nama je. hehe

and the drama starts when sem 1 almost at its end.
semua dah start nak tunjuk true colours masing-masing.
ada yang okay tu okay la.
lucky me, dapat start my foundation studies dengan level 5 dapat buat setahun dengan short sem. so, tak payah nak lama lama kat nilai. infact masa short sem i was dammmnn lucky to get rid of them. although ramai yang tak suka each other but still diorg nak kekal ukhwah yang terbina. salute! hehe.

however, despite all the hatred deep down i still love them. yes, i mean it. every single one of them.
they taught me life ive never imagined i will ever get the chance to experience.
1st ever solat jemaah dengan rela hati. seronok tak terkata. siap masing-masing cakap tunggu for each other nak solat sama-sama. kalau semua dah ready nak solat, ade sorang yang baru balik mesti cepat-cepat lari pergi amik wudhu' sebab tak nak lepaskan peluang solat sama-sama. lepas solat, semua orang mesti tolak Izzah baca doa sebab Izzah terer arab. bila dia baca doa basically dia akan faham doa yang dia baca. unlike me. lepas doa mesti salam and mintak maaf to each other macam hari raya. sebak je masa tu. lepas solat, baru bersurai.

diorang jugak care for each other especially time subuh, sahur dan berbuka. MasyaAllah.
terasa seperti betul-betul di universiti yang Islamic-oriented.
i always had a hard time untuk bangun subuh apatah lagi bersahur. so, dormate katil sebelah, Fara, tak pun kembar, takpun shamimi, takpun Izzah, takpun Nad, Azie jugak, Fatin and Irah mesti akan kejutlan sampai bangun. at first rasa nak mengamuk pun ada tapi tu lah diorang sabar sangat kejutkan. sebulan puasa, sebulan jugaklah diorang sabar kejutkan. ive never experienced the same thing everyday bila dah masuk gombak. Gombak is definitely lain dari nilai. semua cam self-oriented sikit. ye lah masing-masing dah besar kan. dekat nilai bila waktu berbuka semua orang akan beli makanan of course, then time makan semua akan pusing makanan tu so that masing-masing rasa masing-masing punya. semuanya naturally happen. same goes to lunch hour di bukan bulan puasa. or else, i would never taste sedapnya ikan keli cili api pak cik, tempe dengan kentang mak cik, kuey teow kungfu mak cik, nasi goreng cili api pak cik.

walaupun tinggal dengan diorang for only 2 sem, tapi kenangan tak terkira.
and if happens korang terbaca blog ni, i wanna made a lil bit confession here.
yes, i do feel jauh hati sikit dengan korang. sebabnya tak perlulah nak reveal-kan kat sini. siapa yang tahu tu tahu lah and i wanna apologize to everyone if happens my words or actions offend u you intentionally or unintentionally. thank you all for having me and endlessly brings colours to my day in Nilai.

kite sayang korang tau and always ingatkan korang. terasa sebak bila tulis benda ni. although it seems mengarut but i really mean it!

Friday, June 25, 2010

an apple a day keep diseases awaayy!

after all i don't feel like writing all the incidents happens during my working period at Al-Ikhsan Subang Parade. only selected ones je.
i dont have any issues relating to the staff but i always have issues with the customers.

yes, the company's policies is customer is always right.
however, the-customer's-always-right policies do have limits.sometimes the customer rasa diorang tu dah betul sangat walaupun hakikatnya diorang tau yang sudah terang lagi bersuluh yang diorang tu salah dan masih nak cuba tegakkan benang yang basah. bila dah terang-terang salah, masa tu lah nak malu dan tak tahu kat mana nak sorok muka yang dah malu sangat tu.

ok emo kejap.

i don't 100% blame them cause they probably don't understand the procedures that we have to undergo just to please them let say dalam kes nak tukar barang.
datanglah dengan beradab, Insyallah people will assist u dengan beradab jugak.
kalau biadab, jawab sendirilah cik debab. ok takde kena mengena.

dear customers and consumers,
please put yourself in our shoes (promoter, sales assistant, etc)

oh ya. jangan suka nak pandang rendah dekat orang sesuka hati.

satu cerita kelakar;
ade la sorang cust ni, bila aku cakap melayu dia diam buat bodoh je. tapi bila aku cakap bahasa inggeris tergagap-gagap nak jawab balik and boleh pulak reply dalam bahasa melayu lepas tu sengih sengih macam kerang busuk.
terasa nak je cakap "encik, sila isi borang nak berhenti jadi Melayu". although i cant speak good english but when i replied then i guess we shall continue to speak in english. u dont have to look at me up and down. nampak sangat! i'm sorry if u dont have the intention to, but i just got pretty annoyed by that kind of attitude. tapi since aku kerja kat situ, terpaksa la senyum dan maniskan muka although dalam hati tuhan je lah yang tau. Astaghfirullah al-azim.

Ya Allah, kalaulah nanti aku ni belajar tinggi dan dikurniakan rezeki yang melimpah ruah janganlah kau biarkan aku terus hanyut dengan sifat bongkak dan riak serta lupa diri. Amiiinnnn...

semoga apa yang berlaku harini akan terus menjadi iktibar kepadaku untuk hari esok.

ni baru je 2 bulan kerja dah terasa peritnya. jasad tak penat tapi rohani yang terkesan.
kesian kat other staff yang dah kerja kat situ berbulan-bulan mahupun yang bertahun-tahun. tapi since tu sumber rezeki diorang, diorang gagahkan jugak datang kerja dan melayan kerenah pelanggan setiap hari.


Hanya Sekali by Feminin

Sekali Janji ku Lafazkan
Akan ku Kotakan
Walaupun Dihalang

Sekali ku Lafazkan
Kata Cinta
Takkan ku Permainkan
Sekali Di Dalam Hidupku
Kurasakan Cinta
Yang Suci Sejati

Sekali Hanyalah Sekali Ini
Tiada Lagi Tukar Ganti
Sehari ku Rasa Setahun
Jika Tiada Kasihmu
Jika Kau Pergi Jauh
Perasaanku Akan Terganggu
Hanyalah Kau Seorang
Mengubat Hati Rinduku

Tiada Bandingan Di Dunia
Yang Sama Semurni
Cinta Yang Kau Beri
Sekali Kau Beri

Sekali ku Katakan Sekali Lagi
Cintaku Hanya Sekali

got addicted to this song.
makin didengar, makin suka.
makin suka, makin sedap.

buat yang tak biasa dengar lagu melayu, meh lerrr dengar sama-sama

is it me, is it you?

ive been working my ass out this whole semester's break.
and i found out that i didn't go any further. neither getting better nor get to eat a seafood platter.

well well well, my earlier post is all about not to judge nor criticize.
unfortunately, i have encountered few incidents whereby there are few Malaysian Malays who enjoy degrading other people.

will continue on this later as abah balik and tend to check out me out. i need some privacy-lahh abah.

will u?

why am i so random?
i hate to criticize cause i hate from being judge.

till now, i dont understand why would some people really enjoy criticizing other people.
perhaps they are just bunch of people who think that life is mainly centered around themselves.

when u hate someone, probably the one u hate is just another reflection of what u want to be.

Azura, do u really think u can speak and write in english?

do i?

i lost my interest in writing. im losing whatever i used to be proud of before.
i am no longer someone fun to be with neither talk to. how harsh life could be?
or is it me who doesn't know how to treat life nicely?

kill me.

i wont.

oh yeah?