Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Isnin, malam

Semalam buat pertama kalinya cuba untuk tidur sorang-sorang kat bilik selepas seminggu ditemani beberapa kawan karib yang setia menumpang kasih dibilik. Tu lah dulu masa 1st year dengan kat Nilai dapat bilik ramai-ramai tak bersyukur, bising la ape la. Di dah dapat duduk sorang-sorang pun nak bising jugak.

Last night, after I had my supper makan Maggi perasa Tom Yam and catching up stories dekat bilik Tikah; G1.8 around 12.40am baru lah balik ke G1.5(bilik sendiri). Dah balik bilik, tepuk-tepuk bantal tiba-tiba rasa nak pergi toilet pulak. Punya la mengada, sanggup pergi bilik Tikah dulu nak mintak dia tolong temankan. Balik dari toilet-berpisah diselekoh-masuk bilik-kunci pintu-tepuk bantal lagi..mata pulak terkebil-kebil.haaaa..sudah! punya la semangat tahan mengantuk petang tadi konon tak nak tidur petang tak so that cepat sikit boleh lena tak menjadi la pulak. Alaaamaaakkk.. dah la compartment sorang-sorang. Roommate compartment sebelah dah lena sangat sebab ada bukti bunyi.

Pusing sana pusing sini semuanya tak menjadi. Akhirnya on lap top nasib baik internet connection laju. Banyak jugak khatam tengok video and baca blog orang.

There’s a theory tapi tak ingat baca kat mane that says when your eyes closed, your other senses akan sangat alert. Especially telinga. Bila nak pejam mata around 2pm, macam-macam bunyi la pulak yang keluar. Bila celik balik, ehh..takde pape la pulak. Ehhh..main main pulak.

Last sekali tidur at 4.30am. haaaa..gila tak? Nasib harini semua class pagi cancel. Dapat jugak tidur lebih sikit sebab kejap lagi kelas starts at 2pm sampai pukul 5pm.

Actually malam tadi tak la kes kes bulu roma meremang ke ape, tapi otak pusing-pusing kat cerita camtu je. Lepas tu baca pulak buku Kristen Cast, tho cerita dia not exactly pasal hantu, cerita pasal vampire tapi tu lah bila dah vampire otak interpret jugak dengan benda benda yang associate dengan hantu. Aha.. melayu kannn.. bila dah malam sikit, pagi sikit, sorang sikit, gelap sikit, angin sikit, bunyi sikit semuanya nak link kan dengan benda-benda camtu.

Harini dah hari selasa, esok rabu class sampai pkul 11.20am je.

Nak balik kejap lah.

Rindu mak.

Homesick kot.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

SEM I, 2010/2011


these are my subjects for this semester;

1) COMM 1120: Statistics for communication research
2) COMM 2070: Psychology for communication
3) RKGS 2010: Creative thinking and problem solving
4) RKUD 3010: Islamic Aqidah
5) SOCA 1010: Intro.to Sociology.

"be thankful and stop complaining"; Prof. Dr Saodah Wok, statistics class (14/07/2010)

please..please..pleaseee be nice to me okay Prof. I've always have problems when it comes to number.

Dear Ms. Ong, my dearest add math teacher back in SMK USJ 8.. I'VE MISSED YOU!!
I should have listened to you right?
I've already learnt my lesson cikgu.

Friday, July 9, 2010

the not so strong anak abah

now, it is already 30 minutes past 2 in the morning and i am still in front of the laptop waiting for my turn to do the add and drop subjects.
i've been waiting since 1.30a.m, still haven't get a chance to go through the system. tak habis-habis server busy la ape benda semua.
so, in order to kill time i go through my posts and check my english..wohooo~ it was so damn horrible and still i'm writing in english now. malunyaaaa..
i read few blogs and i'd realized that i have to improve my english.

its like 1/10 compared to them.

i know its not fair for me to degrade myself and to sabotage my possible potentials but this is really how i felt at this very moment and i really hate myself when i do this; keep on complaining and whining and do nothing! yes, i do nothing to change it.


i have to deal with my internal conflicts cause if i dont i will drag everyone into this too and its gonna end up big. VERY VERY BIGG!

mak, abah.. i dont know how to talk to u or how to even start it. i am struggling with my own creation of self conflicts and i have one to talk to. i know both of u will never read this. abah always have the thought that i am his most independent and strong daddy's little girl but the truth is, i am not abah.. there are things that i cant survive on my own and i often lost. when i ask your opinion, i really mean it abah but u seem not to bother about it. abah selalu cakap "ikut suka angah..its your life anyway, u have to learn to make good decisions".

probably i'm just too scared to face the reality.
i'm scared if one day ill end up nothing.
i got myself a place in a a good Uni probably will graduate few years from now but somehow i am nothing.

mak, abah.. please doakan anakmu boleh berjaya dan menjadi seorang yang berguna pada agama,bangsa dan negara.

Ya Allah, please guide me and never keep me far away from you.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

emak baik

"mak, nak bangun pagi ke nak habis kelas lambat?"

"awak nak bangun pagi? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...(GELAK MENYINDIR)"

"mak, Ain cakap betul betul ni.."

"terpulang la.."

"mak rasa?"

"boleh ke bangun?"

"boleh kot..tapi mak kena la tolong kejutkan pagi-pagi setiap hari boleh tak mak kira macam mak tolong buat wake up call la so that Ain tak terlajak tidur boleh tak mak?"

mak terus diam seribu bahasa.

"boleh tak maaakk..?"

mak diam lagi.

"maaaaaakkkk...(mengada-ngada sikit)"

"tengoklah.. mak call sekali je. tak bangun sudah!"



listening to the list of your favourite songs making me missing you more,
rumah finally senyap and peace without you around as Aween and i have no one to argue with.
u know,
sometimes another side of me feels so empty cause you and i always do lots of things together like when we share our stories about friendship and life.

although i always said how much i really hate it that you are in the same Uni as i am but deep down i am thankful.

u probably the best adik ive ever had and i thank Allah for having you.

i know sometimes u hate me like hell cause i tend to use harsh words on you but that's just my way to express how much i love u. =)

kau selalu sensitif sangat sampai kadang-kadang tu aku fikir, kau tu perempuan ke aku yang perempuan?

lepas ni kalau gaduh-gaduh lagi tu biasa la, tapi kau jangan la nak selalu sangat take things seriously. okay adik.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


.........neither speak nor write good English.

when she talks about how bad other people's English were, she is actually reflects everything back to her. she feels insecure and that is why she acted that way. please forgive her.

however, if she ever got lucky she will probably get some anonymous person to teach her English lessons and correct her writings for FREE. perhaps