Thursday, May 12, 2011

and..the Short Semester Begins!

coming back to campus for short semester is not something that i look forward to. infact aku boleh selamba register sehari lambat. plus i have all the negative thoughts about how my new room will look like and who will be my roommates. well, the moment i stepped into this room, i was greeted by an empty room. most of the compartments were occupied already but none of them were there in the room to greet me?! heh what a good start roommates! haha emo kejap. but i couldnt care less with not being greeted by my new roommates. who cares anyway. i’ll be living with them for the next 7 weeks and another 14 weeks starting from  Sept 12, 2011.


i’ve started to like my room though, i mean my compartment to be precised. it was almost perfectly clean with minimal dust on my desk and on the floor. and i had this love at first sight when i stepped into my compartment. i mean, the room, it was almost as the same size as i had before but this time around i can open my window up to its maximum. i just love the amount of light that enters my room.


oh plussss internet is super laju kat compartment ni which can speed things up a lil bit. haha terrrrsebut line from my theatre. so hopefully i can update my blog at every alternate days. u know to kinda keep somekinda journal about me and my short semester and my room and bla bla bla yedda yedda yedda.


oh before i forgot. there’s foreigner in my room. guess what? selaju i menaip ni lah selaju tu diorang bergelak ketawa dan bising. ahhh ive heard this before about these foreigners are loud and noisy and annoying and bla bla but i hope i dont have to go through another nightmare with roommates. i just wanna let low. i hope i can get good roommates this semester.





esoklah kot baru taaruf, itupun kalau sempat jumpa.





i’m gonna miss all my girlssszzz!



my evening routine anddd


especially dua orang budak ni.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Untold Tale

This week has been the toughest week in my life. A lot of things happened that simply challenge my patience and again change the way I see things. Mula-mula I got involved in cheap handphone scam, then ada lah lagi few benda jadi.

Memang setiap apa yang berlaku tu sentiasa ada hikmahnya.

I wanna be good despite apa yang orang buat kat kita. Biarlah orang tu nak tipu ke, cakap bad things pasal kita behind our back ke, tak nak tolong kita masa susah ke, talan dua muka ke, suka menunjuk depan kita ke semua tu dugaan dan tanda peringatan supaya kita sentiasa beringat supaya jangan buat macam pulak dekat orang lain. Senang cerita, jangan buat sesuatu yang kita tak suka orang buat dekat kita. Biarlah orang buat jahat macam mana sekalipun dekat kita tapi kita tak payah la nak ada slightest thoughts pun pasal nak balas balik apa orang buat kat kita.

I wanna do good things so that when im no longer in this world, people will remember all the good things about me. Namun, tak dapat nak dinafikan bila kita buat baik susah orang nak ingat walaupun kita sebenarnya dah banyak terhutang budi kat orang tu tapi bila kita buat salah sikit itu je yang jadi modal orang nak ingat.
kadang-kadang serba salah dibuatnya. bila ikut kata hati dikata selfish, tapi bila jaga hati orang hati sendiri merana.

people around me asyik duk advise pasal jangan jadi baik sangat. macam not to trust people easily. tak kisah la kawan ke apa. tu yang jadi macam ni, kawan makan kawan. tak paham apa yang ada dalam otak manusia perangai macam syaiton suka menipu, songlap duit orang. tak sedar ke hutang dengan manusia kita kena minta maaf sendiri dengan manusia tu? bangsat, bahalol haram jadah punya melayu, melayu sama melayu pun nak tipu, fuckasss! these words suits you sial!

haha sendiri pun tengah conflicts. sorrry la bahasa terlalu kurang sopan sebab tapi lega jugak dapat mencarut sekali sekala sebab nak physically balas memang tak dapat lah.
nak buat baik salah, nak buat jahat apatah lagi kan.

how lah?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tak Matang

terasa nak bercerita tapi rasa macam budak-budak sangat.

i seriously have no idea why you did that at the first place. i dont want to be prejudiced after what had happened before and i really hope that all my evil thoughts are wrong. i am totally fine if you just wanna be there although i cant see we are going nowhere with that kind of attitude.

if my words happen to make you feel superior, then err tak tau nak cakap.

you are exactly as what you claimed you are.

Dear Future Me,

a note from me to the future me

Finally i can tell the world that i have achieved something. Alhamdulillah. Syukur nikmat yang diberi Allah.

hopefully, by this achievement tak buat aku lupa diri next semester and takkan terasa diri tu macam dah pandai sangat. there’s a lot of things that you need upgrade. to earn good results you really need to work hard and jangan lah nak rasa yang you are already at the top of the world. this is just the beginning.

jadilah macam ikut resmi padi. makin tunduk bila makin berisi.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Terlalu Istimewa


bulan yang pastinya ditunggu-tunggu lepas 3 minggu cuti.

Sumpah terasa macam ni lah cuti semester yang paling lama walaupun hanya 3 minggu cuti. mungkin sebab dah terbiasa dengan hectic life so bila dapat cuti ni rasa macam lama and lifeless gila. tapi.. semestinya esok adalah hari yang mungkin antara hari yang paling sukar nak ditempuhi.Result keluar esokkk! berdebar tak payah cakap lah sebab untuk paper bahasa Arab, i didnt do my very best and infact macam takde effort sangat. soi'm quite scared nak tau result esok.dapat C je pun rasa macam dah cukup bahagia and i'll make sure next long semester, i'll try my very best to learn Arabic language by heart and to score good results.

 well the only subject that i really really really want to score an A is Public Speaking and Contemporary Issues. i had so much fun dalam class and i did my very best in every class to deliver good speech. tapi tak tau lah kalau instructor masa finals tu suddenly tak suka my speech on that day susah jugakkan?

i seriously have no idea what to expect for tomorrow.

but i hope that what ever happens tomorrow, what ever the result may turn out to be, aku akan tenang menghadapi.

ohh before i forgot, something that i can consider as magical happened earlier this week. SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH, Allah is so great! Thank You Allah. Please make me a better Believer and never never ever let me go astray from your path.

Syukran Jazilan

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Am I Prepared?

Semester break has now almost come to its end. So now, I can’t wait for the new semester to begin. I have filled myself with enough fuel to ride another semester in IIUM. It’s gonna be another awesome semester. hope so. I miss studying and being occupied with tons of assignments and quizzes and examinations. I miss all the mixed feelings in the middle of the semester.

Being occupied with so many things makes me happy. I hope there will be less drama with people around me next semester. I plan to fly under the radar. That is, to stay unnoticed unless something good is happening to me.
I have another week of holiday before short semester starts. I have already planned plenty of things that I wanted to do. I plan to study and work at the same time. I bet, its not gonna be an easy life.

I have to be prepared and organized. I am prepared but I’m not always organized.
