Tuesday, May 21, 2013

of all crazy final week

hi Kitty!

one paper down and i have another 6 papers to go. its been a crazy semester as compared to last the semester.. for the past few weeks, i banyak spend time dengan Dila. a good friend of mine since we were destinied to become roomate back in Nilai. Dila has replaced the feeling of  " i need a friend" during matriculation.

i managed to paksa dila untuk buatkan wedding checklist sebab i am too lazy to do it and i do not have much time sebab i have two decentralized exams masa study week which is not fair sbb we didnt get that one week break after 15 weeks of crazy ups and down.

apart from that, my sister got ipad mini for no reason. so, we both when a litle bit crazy with the pretty camera compared to ipod 4. i wanted to put on some of the photos tapi susah pulak nak guna ipad mini. will blog from my laptop soon!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cerita Study ke Cerita Kahwin?

Aku rasa macam dah banyak kali je cerita nak grad semester ni. Tp tu lah, macam takut la pulak kalau kantoi apa-apa subject semester ni. Lecturer semua killer and apa yang aku boleh cakap aku memang takut sangat-sangat nak habiskan semester ni and nak tunggu result day. Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan. Aku tak tau nak habaq macam mana perasaan yang aku rasa sekarang. Resah, gelisah semua pun ada. Aku rasa mungkin sebab aku ni suka sangat tangguh kerja and bila eventhing dah bundle up, baru terhegeh-hegeh nak start. Tapi tu la, semester ni rasa macam lose hope, serious. Aku rasa macam nak quit, continue another semester. Tapi aku tak sanggup nak hadap semua tu lagi.

Bila baca entry aku yang lepas-lepas semuanya Nampak macam aku ni jenis yang depressed je setiap masa. Bila aku mula menulis baru aku sedar aku ni depressed rupanya. Haha.. tapi in reality, I hardly see or experience any signs of depression. Sebab aku tak tau apa yang aku nak depressed kan. Cuma aku tau antara punca aku depressed ialah sebab yang lain dan tak bukan ialah sebab aku malas. Serious, aku malas sampai tahap yang malas tak tau nak cakap. Hahaha! Ok gelak sorang sorang. Pathetic!

Cuma aku perasan, muka aku mcm glowing.. haha perasan sendiri je takde orang tegur pun muka aku glowing ke apa, bila aku buka cerita pasal kahwin. Alhamdulillah, rezeki tu memang tak putus-putus sejak tunang. Almost all wedding matters, ada je yang hulur tangan nak bantu. Terharu sangat-sangat. Macam tak percaya je. What did I do to deserve all this? Apa-apa pun, syukur Alhamdulillah.
Lepasni, aku dah kena start entry yang detail untuk satu-satu perkara and must siapkan wedding checklist. Gonna get busy menjelang final exams ni. Hopefully ni la kali terakhir aku amik exam sebagai undergraduate. Aminn…

Monday, May 13, 2013

Best few moments during my early days in Nilai

Dear Kitty,

Rasa macam baru semalam menangis sorang-sorang dekat katil double decker belah bawah dekat Nilai, hari pertama register untuk matriculation UIA. Semua orang asing, some of the girls in my room dah start mingle with one another. Aku cuma mampu pandang sepi sebab aku terasa sangat I dont belong here. Then there were this girl, Fara, a sweet girl cakap hai, and asking me whether aku okay ke tak. Dia cuma, don't worry nanti kita semua will be okay. I didn't remember what I said to her but all I remember is that aku tidur sampai masa committee taaruf menjerit dekat speaker suruh sembahyang den turun berkumpul.

Since aku macam lost dengan baru bangun tidur muka lepas nangis, ada another girl, Hidayah duduk dekat hujung kaki katil kejutkan "anak dara... jom bangun nanti tinggal asar".

These two girls had given me so much that word can't describe for the first week in Nilai. But Dayah left us so early sebab dia decide untuk jadi cikgu and keluar dari UIA. Tapi pertemuan sekejap tu dengan Dayah makes her so special. She didnt have any social network account and my phone tak boleh on and she is among the girl whom i know takde handphone at the age of 18.

Whereever you are now Dayah, May Allah bless you for what you have made me into. Can never replace someone like you. For once the kind of friendship yang i feel so pure, takde pura pura. Just you and me and our friendship. Im getting married soon my dear friend. I really want you to be at my wedding.

Fara, we both had something special in friendship. But maybe, we both are happy with the way we lived now, and im so happy everytime we met we can have that short conversation. I'm just happy like that and i am happy for u too!

May Allah bless you girls!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Wedding Checklist Bride to Be 2013

Date and Venue for Nikah & Reception: CONFIRMED

Legal Documents
Kursus Kahwin 
Borang kebenaran nikah              
Test HIV  

Hantaran for the Bride
Barang Kemas
Make up n Facial set
Kain pasang

Hantaran for the Groom
Baju Kemeja
Facial set


1.      Baju Nikah
2.      Tudung Nikah
3.      Veil Nikah
4.      Kasut Nikah

1.      Baju Resepsi
2.      Tudung Resepsi
3.      Veil Resepsi

1.      Baju Melayu
2.      Sampin
3.      Kasut
4.      Songkok 

1.      Suit
2.      Tie

 Tunggu confirmation to meet up with vendor

Make Up
Nikah & Resepsi: Kena cari masa untuk jumpa and discuss

Official Photographer (OP)
Post Wedding

Official Videographer (OV)

Hand Bouquet

Nikah:  kena finalize menu

Candy Buffet
Items: ??

Balang Kaca

Wedding Card & Bunting
Belum fikir lagi..HAHA

 Mostly ideas dah ada, macam katering tu kena meet up before our final payment to discuss on the selections of menu. Door gift dah ada idea tinggal nak beli bekas kaca tu, and dah tahu nak beli kat mana. cuma tak menyempat lagi nak sampai kat sana tu. 

OP and OV tu kena tunggu my fiance untuk uruskan, sbb he's the best! hihi

what else? hmmm.... oh candy buffet tu sebab instead of bagi goodies bag to tetamu yang kecik and to divert attention sekejap sementara orang beratur untuk makanan so at least tetamu boleh la dapat sweet treats sikit.

and mak dah start tanya pasal wedding cards. duhh.. takde masa nak fikir nak print dekat siap. design dah ada dalam kepala but have yet nak terjemahkan. hehe

tu la, nak kahwin right after habis belajar.. kan dah pening kopala. hahaha..
