Friday, March 15, 2013

New Chapter

I’ve abandoned you for quite sometimes already. I thought I wanted to give up on you but I know I just can’t. I need someone who completely listens without responding.  Anyway, let me begin with the good news about me.

Alhamdulillah, I’ve got engaged with the one who has been my sweetheart since I was 17. Who knows the so called puppy love will end up so beautifully like this. Insha Allah, with Allah’s will and both of our families blessings, my fiancĂ© and I will ties the knot by end of the year. The decision was quite drastic I can say. I know one day, he and I will get together but never would have imagined to settle down so quickly like this. I am not against early marriage but I always believe that women these days should at least have stable economic before jumps to the marriage life. Well, I this that’s what has been written for me and I will accept it. 

It’s quite challenging actually to prepare for your big day without having stable economics (as for my part), I’m not worry about my fiancĂ© though cause he is now working as a permanent staff at Shangri La. However, insha Allah everything will be runs smoothly. As for now, I’m preparing myself with knowledge and the art of marriage. Without good knowledge on marriage, conflicts that occur will hardly resolve.

So now I’m in the midst of preparing for my big day and I couldn’t be more excited about anything else. On top of that, I have just committed to another commitment. Well, it’s about time in testing your capabilities and how well you can handle yourself working under pressure. Okay, I was selected to be become the campus DJ. I know, what’s up of being a campus deejay right? There’s nothing much to brag about being the campus deejay. Like, who listens to their campus radio anyway? But… that doesn’t concerns me much. What matters to me most is how well is my articulations in delivering the subject matter.

 I got nervous during my first show and its normal I think when we got confuse with which grammar or verb or vocab to use. Lol! English is not my mother tongue so yeah… that’s basically runs on the first show. I will definitely come back and improve myself from time to time.  
So that’s what basically my life so far. Gonna talk about my wedding preparation soon!