Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bulan Ramadhan, Bulan yang Mulia

my eyes filled with tears reading a post from someone's blog. well, after few years due to all communication dysfunction, we didnt really get to talk for real as family kan? but Alhamdulillah, berkat bulan Ramadhan Allah guides us all to into nikmat yang tak dapat nak diluah dengan kata-kata.

it's a miracle to have everyone on the table for dinner and it happens only during the fasting month. Abah pun balik almost everyday to buka puasa together. how can I not be more than just excited? and the best of all, when i get the chance to cook for them and they really like it, trust me i do not want anything else more than this feeling. it is the super joy feelings.

i'm so happy that abah express his love towards everyone nowadays. and terasa sayunya bulan Ramadhan nak habis sebab bukan selalu family dapat kumpul macam ni. during the 'normal' month things are all normal too. sometimes when it is just not our day or the day yang Allah nak uji terasa sesak nafas dengan segala ujian.