Wednesday, July 7, 2010


listening to the list of your favourite songs making me missing you more,
rumah finally senyap and peace without you around as Aween and i have no one to argue with.
u know,
sometimes another side of me feels so empty cause you and i always do lots of things together like when we share our stories about friendship and life.

although i always said how much i really hate it that you are in the same Uni as i am but deep down i am thankful.

u probably the best adik ive ever had and i thank Allah for having you.

i know sometimes u hate me like hell cause i tend to use harsh words on you but that's just my way to express how much i love u. =)

kau selalu sensitif sangat sampai kadang-kadang tu aku fikir, kau tu perempuan ke aku yang perempuan?

lepas ni kalau gaduh-gaduh lagi tu biasa la, tapi kau jangan la nak selalu sangat take things seriously. okay adik.

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