Thursday, August 12, 2010

another day, another surprise

I am so scared. Totally scared till I hardly breathe and keep on questioning why am I here. Why do I have to this entire thing? Yes. I am totally freaking out now.

I just got to know that I have 3 mid-terms all in one day. And all the subjects are tough dohh! And the possibilities might be that I'm gonna have mid-term for all the five subjects in hmmmpphh.. the whole one week? The week before eid. Kejam kot. Spoil my raya mood.

Oh yeah, and it is back to back!! 3 subjects all wrap up in one day. Its kinda like 4 years of birthday gifts has just been delivered to you. Ding dong...SURRPRRRIISEEE!!!


can i make a request?

2nd September..boleh tak datang lambat sikit? takpe tak your time okay.

gila wishful thinking.

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