Wednesday, September 8, 2010

done. that's it


Week 7 and 8 are finally over. LEGA!

3 exams in a day.. wooo not gonna happen again in the future. I didn’t sleep the whole night before the exam day sama-sama dengan Tikah. She then came out with an idea nak sahur kat luar and ajak me along. Its kinda funny how we actually managed to get out from Mahallah. Well I’m not sure whether its legal or not to go out at 4.45am. Then after sahur kitorang balik campus, mandi pagi-pagi then continue study lagiiii..

The first paper of the day; Creative Thinking and problem solving, the questions was quite easy actually. It’s all about 6 Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono. However, what I did the whole night was to make myself understand on the provocation and movement techniques topic and I guess I got things mixed up sikit kot while answering the paper.

Second paper; Psychology and Communication, well well well.. I was quite surprise when I first got the questions. Something that I’ve expected keluarrr oii, it’s about group communication. Well, that is for the 2nd question. The 1st question asked us to talk about conscience in workplace and asked us to give examples on the positive and negative side of being conscience at work.

Final paper of the day; introduction to Sociology, luckily I attended the 2 o’clock class. Dr. Rohaiza actually gave some hints during the class but I didn’t really pay much attention to her as I was busy preparing for psychology and communication paper. Which happened to be just right after Soca class that evening.

Lepas exam and get things settled for Soca, Ranang called me thru Juju’s. we decided to buka kat HS café since Tikah dah balik Jerantut and Dila buka with her school friends outside. So left me and Ranang not knowing nak buka kat mane.

Lepas buka, balik bilik terus tidur until Dila came knocking on my door at 11pm something something kot. Chit chat and do some girly geli stuff, Dila got so excited for the girly geli stuff wehh. I wished I did snap some photos.

Went back to Subang Jaya the next day, Jumaat sept,3rd.

BORING. Should I apologize for lack of enthusiasm writing this down? Apparently, no one gonna read this unless ive become famous one day and people wanted to know my past. Till then, take a good care of yourself, stop whining and Be grateful. Bye

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