Wednesday, December 29, 2010


"aku baru balik dari overnight. it was all my ideas, tak sangka ada yang setuju terus ktorg keluar exactly 5minutes to 12am. haha then ktorg pergi kedai makan nama Hayaki. concept macam kopitiam and its 24hours and the food kat situ sedap. anyway, aku macam depressed sikit petang tadi masa kat library cause aku online and ntah macam mana aku bukak2 blog i saw 'their' blog. they shared one blog and both of them are the author of the blog. and they made the blog public so at first aku cam terkejut jugak la but i didnt really read what they wrote kat situ aku just skimmed je but due to lots of practice of skimming..cehhh konon. hehe.. aku dapat tangkap la ape yang diorg cakap. they didnt write anything bout me but i felt something weird. i dont know. 

i dont want to be their friends anymore even if ive been given the chance to pun. bukan nak berlagak ke ape but i just  feel like  having them as my friends, is not me anymore.  its hard to put in words ape yang aku rasa. takpe kalau kau tak faham but i know somehow kau akan cuba fahamkan jugak kan? :D

tu je. so aku baru balik td around 6am. pak guard pun tido so kitorg masuk dengan selamat. haha. balik tu of course dah azan and after quite sometime aku tak solat subuh, i finally dapat solat subuh. 

nak tau something? aku somehow felt connected to my Creator. my doa is different this morning. its kinda like i literally have someone to talk to but in the invisible kinda version. sounds so weird kan. i pray that if  i live in this world without bringing any good to the ummah, to my religion, to my parents and people around me then take my souls. i felt so relieved now. 


 ntah la tu yang aku rasa. 

thanks for reading! 
love you!"


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