Wednesday, December 29, 2010

rosak minda

kau nak tau kadang-kadang aku ter-rosakkan minda aku dengan baca gosip artis tau tak? tak. mesti kau tak tau. tapi aku bagitau jugak. 
i like to read the way the tackle certain issues tu. ridiculous pun ada. but that's how they sold their stories. people make money by telling other people stories kan. 

nak try baca ke? amik ni. sejarah Form 3 

i know its unfairkan to say such things that aku rosakkan minda dengan baca benda-benda macam tu. macam la what i wrote here will bring betterment to the society whatsoever ke ape kan. 

see i have lots of conflicts in me. its like i have multiple personalities.
baru tadi aku post about me bringing something good to the people yet arghhh i dont know what am i trying to convey here. 

so what?

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