Tuesday, February 8, 2011

makan, jalan, tidur,

I’ve been doing lots of thinking lately and  realized that I’m not so independent anymore. I work best when I’m in a team or group rather than doing things alone. well, there are times when I’m alone I can see all the potentials I have in me. I need people around me to rely on and perceive them as a competition. I have to have a competitor. or else, I wouldn’t have the drive, the urge of doing it.

still, there are times when I love doing things alone and spend my very own quality time with myself. just to contemplate and reminisce things I’ve done lately. like what should I be doing next so that I when I think about it, I will not regret. nobody likes it right? but we cannot run from it. we do things that we think it is good for us but sometimes we are just wrong. we may not know or forgotten what we need cause we have been busy chasing after things that we want. God has provided us with choices and there are consequences of every choices that we made. although there are things that already been determined by God, something we cannot run from like life and death for example. other than that, it depends on us, on how hard you work on things that you want.

dear future ME,
life is not as easy as you think. I’m happy that I’ve known you. you are kind of  a person with lots of positive thoughts especially when you are facing difficulties. but remember, sometimes by having too much of positive thoughts can bring harm to you. I’m not saying this as bad thing, I hope you get what I meant by this, but be moderate in your “being positive” all the time. okay?
please give yourself a chance on doing something you may not ever think of before. do not let others stop you from doing things that you love. you are going to turn 21 soon and 22, 23 and the number is growing, so please think like an adult. you want people to hear you so please act like you worth it.
I wish you have had a great life when you read this in the future.

everyone wants a happy life isn’t it?


you deserved pictures of good foods for this! happy tummy always makes you happy kan?

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these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time