Thursday, February 24, 2011

drama perempuan muda

I’m not sure if I can do this. there is no turning back once I’ve made myself involved into this theater thing. I’m not sure if I have the talent to act but the seniors said they  are willing to help and I’ve said YES to make commitment. I did went for audition and I went there was for the sake of experiencing new things  since I have the most boring life in campus. I didn’t expect to be accepted. deep down in my heart, I’m grateful. but I’m just to shy to let myself out and having all the limelight later for that night. I’m not sure people will be noticing me when I got up there. now, I've started to feel that I’m  actually struggling between finishing my assignmentsss and memorizing the script and 89 verses of selected surah in the Quran all by next week.

I always wonder how did he do it? ‘he’ here is referring to the director cum main cast for that play.  He once said to me that I should really believe in what I say and make myself believe that I am the character. I always thought acting is all about fun and being glamorous. i was totally wrong about the part of acting leads to glamourous life. but it certainly fun to be around this artsy people! but the best part is that I got to learn voice projection techniques for frreeee. at first I thought it is just a small production and the play will be infront of a small crowd; familiar faces but I was recently told that the play will be at the main auditorium of IIUM. ohmyohmyomyyyyyyy! I have already got butterflies in the stomach and the same feelings I got when I sat for add maths paper 2 during SPM, statistics last semester and arabic language for this semester just by thinking how big the event will be.

definitely not kinda feeling I’m looking forward to have it right now.

will I be able to do so or will I stumble and fall?

but I will try my very best and work my ass out for everything. be it my studies or my involvement in theater.

since not many people will read my blog but whoever you are please pray that I will not screw things up and let me be the best of me on that night.

the month of February is now almost come to its end. I’m having a fabulous February so far and lots of activities done and there are a lot more to come in March!

dear Azura,
since you have had a great time in February, here, I’ve attached few pictures that you may look back at those days and reminisce it one day.


the happy face that melts your heart; two awesome classmates that you only get to talk to them recently.


another awesome treat from your neighbour,the best home-made fruit tarts everrrr and  kakak whose gonna get married soon.

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