Thursday, February 17, 2011

How “How I met you mother” have affected me

I get to watch this series pun agak lambat masa dia dah season ke 5 camtu kot baru follow itupun sebab ambik kat kawan-kawan.
Raja and I dah lama sangat mengidam nak makan Ben and Jerry’s punya ice cream. when we went to Pavilion masa bulan puasa haritu we didn’t had the chance to almaklumlah masa tu dah tengah bulan. so then when I watched this episode tak ingat episode berapa terus excited cause can't u see what is she holding in her hands can u?  hehe


I’m not really into this series but there are certain parts of the movie affected me.  like. I really really really love Marshall and Lily’s relationships. 
punyalah suka sampai siap snapshot lagi.


hey cik abang, when u marry me can u promise this to me?


these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time