Monday, February 14, 2011

Mid Semester 2010/2011 in IIUM

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cerita kecik.
these pictures represents my mid semester’s life in IIUM and it is so awesomeee **assignments and presentations and quizzes included**!

this semester starts with Dila’s birthday on January and still, our plan nak pergi dinner at Pallete Pallete tak kesampaian due to lots of assignments and meetings and datings and running here and there.

Finally, ada jugak gambar Finie. one of my closest friends merangkap kawan terbaik I’ve ever had.

Nasi kerabu @ Econs Café, IIUM with my another two favourite girlzzz. Tiqa and Raja.

my messy desk, just in case one day abah terrbaca ni and see how hardworking I was. those are books for my proposal and assignments.

lastly, the best people you’ll ever met. Tikah and Raja. kawan setilam, seshampoo *sometimes*, sekereta makan Pecel dan Hayaki, semeja waktu lunch, and banyak lagi ‘se’ tapi the rest of  ‘se’ ill just keep it to myself. hopefully this ‘se’ will continue sampai korang kahwin sebab nanti dah kahwin the first 4 ‘se’ listed dah tak boleh buat dahhh.

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these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time