Thursday, March 3, 2011

Berakhir sudah Februari

bila dah 21 tahun barulah dapat jumpa cinta baru. jangan salah faham. I still sayang youu cuma i baru jumpa satu kepuasan yang tak boleh nak describe with words. i had so much fun knowing Wani, Faiq, Bob and Epul, Ringgo and Pojie. production pun kecik je. A Small Business Loan written by Prof. Dato’. Dr. Ghulam Sarwar, had made us all one family. Wani did a vey good job when she managed to translate the monologue written by Pojie the night before the show less than an hour. She is so damn talented budak kecik. haha. oh yeah, she is soo petite but with huge brain seriously, you see Pojie wrote a monologue in Malay less than an hour and she can translate it within the same period of time. sumpah best! and I.. I totally envy her when she got to eat semua benda yet still remain kecik as she is.

I never thought that I will ever have the courage to speak in front of hundreds people. It was a great experienced to get involve with theater. Infact, I learn to see new things and experience so many things but the TAK BEST PART is I still cannot manage to control my anger when things doesn’t go my way. I’m a cry baby during theater. ahhh I cry for almost everything.

Alhamdulillah, syukur sangat sebab teaterlah dapat jumpa amazing people yang sentiasa discharge positive energy dekat orang-orang sekeliling. Rindu sangaaat theater week pun dah habis so everything is now back to normal. my usual routines; normal, the dull same route to class everyday.

anyway, siapa sangka sebab teater i boleh bangun pagi although tidur pukul 4 pagi and siapa sangkaaa wehhh yang i boleh je relax jalan pkul 2 pagi dari Rector Building sampai Mahallah Safiyyah sorang-sorang beb! aaaaaaaaaaaannndd siapa sangka pasal teater i boleh selamba mandi pukul 2-3 pagi kat toilet Mahallah. ahh i didn’t know that i am that berani.

pictures taken dari waktu practice sampailah rehearsal, then the ‘big night’ and makan time after the play is over.

















1 comment:

  1. HAHA!
    babe! you're overwhelming darling. Thanks a bunch! I miss you thousand times, i miss all of us gathering and laughing. Yup, sedikit pelik bila dah takde rehearsal kan. Ouh shit tell me this is not the last time we work together as a team. :(


these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time