Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have nothing much to ramble these days except for the anger i just spilled yesterday. but the anger is actually not meant to anyone but me. i tried to be denial, trying to blame someone so hardly but the thing is i have problem with my own self and trying to deny the fact that i am depressed. i hate this feelings i have nowww!

but lets just focus on good things that happened to me these past few days.

I’ve been almost completely satisfied with my current life and I’ve found few things that satisfied me. For example this week I realized that I clean my room less than an hour. I’ve been delaying to clean my room for days and I just realized that cleaning the room is not that difficult. I managed to clean all the ‘rambut gugur’ in the room, rambut yang terbang dari compartment sebelah, rambut kawan-kawan yang datang bertandang and mine included. Obviously lega sangat sebab bilik dah kemas and bersih, this week dah la all the assignments due kalau dengan bilik sepah segala mestilah lagi serabut. My planned to stay in the room for the whole weekend tak jadi because last Thursday night lepas pergi talk, Ramadhan and I decided nak pergi makan and that time dah lebih kurang 11.30pm and I thought of bringing him to eat pecel, sekali tutup. Nak patah balik UIA pak guard dah start tahan kereta, sah sah la kalau nak masuk kena saman RM50 so tak jadi balik UIA we headed to Ampang for the famous OM burger. Ramadhan had his Oblong ayam and mine oblong kambing. Since Ramadhan have to work the next day and its already late and his going to stay at his uncle’s house at Melawati so I had to call Wa to pick me up at Ampang. Around 1.30am macam tu Wa sampai.


That’s the whole story to explain why I had to cancel my plan to stay in campus on the weekend.


  1. sket nye detail kau citer pasal aku makan pe. slamat bukan pasal berat badan ahahaa

  2. scary the mary sgala2 kau updet pasal aku. ooohoooo famos amos ahaha

  3. Wehhh i'm gonna uploadsss gambar kau melantak buruk gilaaa!


these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time