Monday, March 14, 2011

HAPPY 21st and 25th, 2011



the girl who just turn 21 on February 26th, 2011. she was flattered and overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes she received from people who remembered her big day. she’s not looking forward for any birthday celebration but when these people choose to celebrate her birthday, she lost her words. she can only being so thankful to Allah and everyone for giving her the chance to experience such a wonderful moments on her birthday.

she loves carbonara spaghetti at Gardens. so far, that’s the only dish yang dia akan order everytime pergi sana.





desserts that keeps us coming back to Gardens cafe.




kakak, Farah Dianti who turn 25 on the next day, 27th February 2011.




kakak and her fiancé yang sangat comel bersama. both of them very funny bila duduk dekat-dekat keluar semua character yang pelik-pelik.




with AWESOME PEOPLE that makes the dinner awesome.

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