Monday, March 14, 2011

tak basi lagi

ahaha cerita pasal theater lagi. tak habis-habis. probably Wa, pembaca setia blog ni sudah nak muak dan jemu i bercerita pasal theater but these are the few pictures that i recently dapat. and all the memories during the theater are coming back. you see, this is my very first theater and i always get soo excited when i get to talk about this because not many want to listen to my crappy stories so whenever i got the chance to just let me lepas gian sikit eh.


this picture were taken during the final rehearsal before the actual play. I was freaking nervous as that was my very first appearance in public.

i pun dah lupa dah ni part yang mana.


this picture pulak were taken during the actual play. i was trying so hard to not think that there are few hundreds people been watching our play. i was actually kinda sad during the play because i really felt the sadness of the character.


this scene supposedly wanting me to be sad because i was telling the ‘Mr bank Manager’ that my husbandss died and that’s why i need the loan but this is the only part of the story that i cant feel the sadness because i actually find it quite funny, i just dont know why.



it was a short experience that requires lifetime to forget about it. :)

thank you Allah, thank you everyone who have been supporting me, thank you Jijol for coming. i saw you from behind the curtain on stage before the play and that’s what gave me the courage to do the best for that day because i want to you to be proud to have me as your sister for once in your life. i hope i made it.


  1. arghhhhh nice view lah pictures nih!!
    nice edit gilak! like it :)
    alaaaaa rindu nyer kat korang.

  2. weyh kau berdiri terpacak cam tiang jalur gemilang ahahha. gile muda makcik yg kau lakonkan ini

  3. haha.. i segan nak bg dia ada colour la Wanie. :)

  4. Romie, cakap je la aku cantikkkk!


these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time