Sunday, January 2, 2011


2nd sem for my second year of studies has just started. I’m now in week 3 and already been burden with tons of assignment.

I intend to change my specialization. My current specialization is print media. I’m thrilled and excited to have print media as my specialization at first but now I’m not sure myself that would end up as a journalist. Of course I enjoy doing outdoor work and meeting lots of people but being a journalist I need to have certain kind of bonding with people around me. I need to have lots of contacts. That’s not who I am.

I define success as being able to wake up every morning and feeling excited of what you are going to do next for the rest of day before you are going back to sleep. When I started working I need this kind of energy everyday. Success too is a feeling of joy and happiness. If I don’t enjoy myself doing what things I that I think I might enjoy doing it, it’s wasted.

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these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time