Sunday, January 23, 2011

another day

why do I blog at the first place when I know there’s no one going to read my writings and hearing my thoughts? that’s not what I care most. I don’t intend to be a writer, I cannot write my feelings out. although sometimes, I wish I can write long essays about my feelings on something but for what reason? I hardly find reasons in things that I do. people often say that u do things based on your intentions but in my case I’m not sure myself what are my intentions in things that I do. I do not want to talk about people around me here, although sometimes I do wish that I have the guts to do that. why? that’s certainly a question that I’m less interested to answer.

last week, in Quran and Sunnah class, my lecturer, Prof. Hussain, he reminded us to always be thankful to Allah to give us the opportunity that others can only dream of. also, Br. Roslan Ali from my Journalism class, he said that always encourage us to be thankful to Allah for all extras that we have when others can only imagine. he too always gives us words of wisdom in every class making me feel bad to skip his classes.  I feel connected to the advice. certainly because I often ask Allah why do they get this and I don’t and such. however, that advices had made my eyes open and see things differently. what if  I get things that I want easily would be like who I am today? seeing things through different perspectives is what I’m trying to adapt myself with. things are easier said than done kan! others can say whatever they want to say.

last week, I get to feel what is it like to be the only child in the family when abang, jijol and aween were not around and abah insisted to have dinner outside. we went out, just the three of us, me, mak and abah. we went to Alamanda just to buy some groceries and had our dinner there. It was nice. I always wonder how it is like to be the only child. it's nice but of course a liltle bit boring cause i don't get to gaduh or tease anyone.  lately, it seems like Allah had given me so much. I was offered a job although it haven’t been confirmed yet and I don’t mind whether I got the job or not but it was an honour to be asked by a lecturer to be her assistant. then, Abah suddenly called and said he already bought us ticket to Bandung, I had such a great escape last friday when Wa belanja me 45 minutes foot massage which I really really really need it badly. it certainly had reduced my stress level. thank you love!

I have 3 midterms this week and next week is already mid break.

today’s advice for myself and for myself again whenever I read this post again is “START DOING”.