Wednesday, January 12, 2011

you can't see what i can do

I think I’ve already acquire one of the skills for being a journalist. I often have the “why” questions in mind.  I’ve become more inquisitive. But the hardest part of being inquisitive is when you couldn’t find answers for your questions. The more “why” I ask everyday sometimes, the answers that I found out, tend to hurt me more without I even realize it. Each unsolved “why” leads to another “why” and another “why” and it goes on and on. The reasons why probably because I’ve being so ignorant all this while not knowing the history of my people, my land and of course my religion. In class my lecturer always talks about people, history and many things, and I’m just sitting there and ahhh.. What-the-hell-is-he-talking- about, gotta-google- about-it in my head.
 I know I have to read a lot. I did read. I read but I don’t remember.

Aku sedar sendiri and still, aku keep on questioning kan why do I  have such thoughts. I mean I don’t have any problems with anyone or anything or is it just me being denial? 

I read this today and this is interesting, ada faham?

Be a leader for thinkers rather than a follower

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these are all my very own personal opinions. comments or criticism are most welcome, feel free to correct my English so i that i can improve my language from time to time