Monday, January 24, 2011

not too late

guess what, you are the person that I easily let my heart off forgiving you and forgets every single detailed things u have done to me. yet, you have taken my forgiveness for granted again and again. isn’t that nice to have someone keep on  forgiving you no matter what u did to them? I bet u haven’t learn your lesson or probably you are such an idiot, brain in the ass whose brain won’t function no matter how many nutritious food you eat or no matter how hard you try to be smart.

nahhh.. im not angry. infact, I feel lucky cause I do get the chance to be irritated by someone like you. I learn to console myself and thanks to you! if you don't irritates me like how you used to, I don’t think I would be able to learn to conquer this feelings, isn’t that great?!

you might be thinking I’m that insane talking about someone who manage to irritate me so much yet being so grateful about it. well, well, well, I am a totally different person today. like I said, I see things from different perspectives. being on the negative side, of course I would end up cursing and says all the nasty words I can ever think of.

I’m so glad I have this feelings now! so glaaaaaad makes me wanna fly!

I use to delete people who irritates me and people that makes me head go woooweeeee-not-in-a- nice-way-kinda-feelings. got me? now I don’t do that anymore. hate me or love me, I’ll keep u. treat the people who hates you nicely, make them regret. but nahhh, ill treat you nicely still, but I wont make you regret unless you, yourself regret things that you did to me.

I don’t care if you are not going to apologize and I’m not looking forward for it!

and yeah.. I promise I will not save any grudge on you and please come to my wedding. HAHA.

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