Tuesday, January 25, 2011

dear LQ 2083,

I’m so tired. I hate this feeling where I think that I’ve finished my readings and memorize things that I’m supposed to memorize but I cant recite it out loud.
lega, Ustazah postponed mid term for Islamic Ethics and also interview with Dato’ Zainul too had been postponed to a new date. thus, this week I only have 2 midterms still, in one day. so takde la dapat nak lega sangat.

I ‘m freaking out for my Arabic mid term. for me, Arabic is just another statistics. its not like I try nak samakan between statistics and the language from Allah but my brain tersangat la degil and susah nak absorb subject Arabic ni. apa yang ustaz ajar, dalam kelas faham tapi bila dah sampai bilik nganga. I have the same feelings for Arabic, add math and statistics.

I really really really need to improve my CGPA.

I cannot lose hope. I cannot give up.


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